B.Sc Botany Honours, University of Calcutta
M.Sc Botany, Banaras Hindu University
PhD Botany, University of Calcutta
Area of Specialization: Phycology, Limnology, Phytoplankton ecology
Selected Publications:
1. RK Biswas, AK Choudhury (2021) Diatoms: Miniscule biological entities with immense importance in synthesis of targeted novel bioparticles and biomonitoring. Journal of Biosciences 46: 102 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12038-021-00222-x
2. S Dutta, AK Choudhury (2021) An assessment of the temporal alterations in the trophic status and habitat heterogeneity of the anthropogenically influenced Bhgairathi - Hooghly estuary in reference to phytoplankton community and environmental variables. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 48681 - 48705
3. AK Choudhury, M Das, P Philip, P Bhadury (2015) An Assessment of the Implications of Seasonal Precipitation and Anthropogenic Influences on a Mangrove Ecosystem Using Phytoplankton as Proxies. Estuaries and Coasts 38 (3): 854 – 872
4. AK Choudhury, R Pal (2011) Variations in seasonal phytoplankton assemblages as a response to environmental changes in the surface waters of a hypo saline coastal station along the Bhagirathi-Hooghly estuary. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 179(1-4): 531-553.
5. AK Choudhury, R Pal (2010) Phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics of shallow coastal stations at Bay of Bengal, Eastern Indian coast. Aquatic Ecology 44(1): 55 - 71.
1. R Pal, AK Choudhury (2014) An Introduction to Phytoplankton: Diversity and Ecology. 05/2014, Springer (ISBN: 978-81-322-1837-1)